The OGC Coffee house is open M-Th: 7-10pm and Sunday: 2-5pm & 7-10pm. See the coffee house page of the website for more details!
Fall Formal on 11/16!
Join us for the Brat Formal in Procter Hall on November 16th!
Welcome new GC residents!
We will hold a welcome event with members of the Graduate School on August 24th, from 10am-12pm in the OGC Courtyard.
Spring formal on 4/13!
Join us for the Spring Masquerade Formal in Procter Hall from 9pm-1am on April 13th!
Welcome to our newly-elected 2024 committee!
We are looking forward to helping improve GC life this year.
Fall formal on 11/18!
Join us for the Barbenheimer-themed fall formal in Procter Hall on November 18th from 9pm-1am!
Coffee house reopening 10/1!
Join us for the reopening of the coffee house on October 1st at 7:30pm! Located between Entryways 11 and 12 of the OGC.
Use calendar to schedule time in NGC music room
See the “Music Room Calendar” page on this site to schedule time in the NGC music room. The music room is open to everyone, and purpose of the calendar is simply to avoid scheduling conflicts.
Spring Formal on April 15!
The GCHC Special Events team invites you to the Spring Formal: A Red Carpet Affair. Please join us on April 15th, 2023 from 9PM to 1AM.
Please read: The Graduate College House Committee and Graduate School is enforcing the following policies to ensure the health and safety of the Princeton graduate student community:
Guest Policy: Students are limited to one guest. Please review the university visitor policy at Graduate School staff will be present at the event to sign in all attendees.
Alcohol Policy: attendees will be given a vinyl wristband with tabs for each drink they consume. Students will need to physically remove the tab in front of bartenders to obtain a drink. Alcohol may not leave the building. A maximum of up to 3 drinks are allowed throughout the course of the event. Students may not serve themselves; they must obtain a drink from a bartender only. If you arrive within the first two hours you will receive 3 drinks, the third hour: 2 drinks, and the fourth hour: 1 drink.
Absolutely no outside alcohol is permitted. If formal organizers suspect you are excessively intoxicated or you are caught with outside alcohol, you will be escorted out of the event by Public Safety and/or may be subject to disciplinary consequences from the Graduate School.
GC Coffee House is open!
GC Coffee House has reopened nightly Sundays-Thursdays from 7:30pm-10:30pm. Come by and enjoy some free coffee, tea, or hot chocolate while relaxing or working with your friends!
The Coffee House is located between Entryway 11 and 12 in the OGC.