Join Us

The Graduate College House Committee is run entirely by graduate students who volunteer their time and energy to serve you. A brief organizational structure of the GCHC is given below. Our constitution guides the operations of the Committee. We meet regularly to discuss matters relevant to graduate student life in the Graduate College and Annexes, and we have meeting minutes.

If you are interested in getting involved in any of these roles, please contact us. Elections of members of the House Committee are generally held in January, but will be held in November for the year 2023, and we will put out a call for candidates beforehand.  Members of the GCHC receive priority during the house selection process.

ChairRuns an effective Committee
Assistant ChairRuns an effective Committee
SecretaryMaintains communication between the Committee and students
TreasurerKeeps the budget
Social Chair (2)Organizes weekly GC social hours
Special Events Chair (2)Organizes theme parties at GC
Dbar Czar (2)Manages DBar
Facilities Chair (2)Maintains the GC laundry rooms and other facilities
Coffee House Manager (2)Manages the GC Coffee House